Maximize Your Results: The Most Effective Bodyweight Exercises for a Strong and Healthy Back

A lot of people spend their time hunched over their phones or at their desks. This kind of lifestyle can wreak havoc on your back, causing pain and discomfort that can really put a damper on your day. But fear not; there’s a solution: bodyweight exercises for the back!

If you don’t have fancy gym equipment or membership, bodyweight exercises are a unconfined way to strengthen your when muscles.

If you’re a newbie to fitness or a seasoned athlete, join me as we explore the most constructive bodyweight exercises for a strong and healthy back.

Let’s swoop in!

10 Weightier Bodyweight When Exercises

Best Bodyweight When Exercises

Wide-Grip Pullups

The first one of the weightier Bodyweight exercises for the back is wide grip pull-ups. You can build upper soul strength with this bodyweight exercise. Also, it’s one of the weightier bodyweight exercises for the when and shoulders.

  • Find a pull-up bar that is upper unbearable so that you can hang from it without your feet touching the ground. Make sure the bar is sturdy and can support your weight.
  • Grab the bar with both hands, palms facing yonder from you, as you stand under the pull-up bar.
  • Ensure your feet are off the ground and your stovepipe are fully extended as you hang from the bar.
  • Using your shoulder blades and when muscles, pull yourself up towards the bar. Instead of using your stovepipe alone, pull yourself up with your elbows.
  • At the top of the movement, pause for a moment without you’ve lifted your chin whilom the bar.
  • With control, return to the starting position, keeping your stovepipe and shoulders engaged.

Wide Grip Pullup is one of the weightier bodyweight exercises for when pain as well.

Bodyweight Rows (Inverted Rows Or Horizontal Pull Ups)

The weightier workout for upper when training is bodyweight rows. You can moreover do it in your basement, bedroom, playground, or wherever else you like,

The Process:

  • Under a sturdy surface that is approximately hip height, lie down.
  • Using an overhand grip, hold the bar or surface shoulder-width apart.
  • Make sure your legs are straight from throne to heels.
  • Pulling your chest toward the bar should involve keeping your elbows tropical to your body.
  • Pull your shoulder blades together at the peak of the movement.
  • Return to the starting position by slowly lowering yourself.

Elbow Raise (Back Widow Or Reverse Pushup)

The elbow raise, moreover known as the when widow or reverse pushup, is an constructive bodyweight exercise that targets your upper when muscles.

The Process:

  • Place your hands straight in front of you while lying squatter lanugo on a mat or on the floor.
  • As you raise your stovepipe and legs off the ground, alimony your neck and spine neutral.
  • Bring your elbows up toward the ceiling, squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top.
  • Once you have held for a few seconds, slowly lower your stovepipe when to the starting position.
  • Put your legs when in their starting positions as well

Single-Leg Deadlift

Single-leg deadlift is one of the weightier bodyweight exercises for the lower when and hamstrings.

The Process:

  • Stand tall with your feet hip-width untied and your stovepipe by your sides.
  • Keeping your other leg straight, shift your weight onto one leg and lift it slightly off the ground.
  • Lift your straight leg overdue you while lowering your torso to the ground.
  • Square your hips and straighten your back.
  • Stretch your hamstrings until you finger your torso parallel to the ground.
  • Return slowly to the starting position without a unenduring pause.


Supermans are a unconfined way to work your unshortened back, from your lower when all the way up to your shoulders.

The Process:

  • Lie squatter lanugo on a mat or on the floor with your stovepipe and legs extended.
  • While keeping your when and neck neutral, lift your arms, legs, and chest up as upper as you can.
  • During the movement, squeeze your glutes and lower when muscles.
  • Slowly return your arms, legs, and chest to their starting positions without holding for several seconds.

Back Extensions

Bodyweight when extensions are a simple yet constructive exercise that targets your lower when muscles.

The Process:

  • With your stovepipe extended and your legs straight, lie squatter lanugo on a mat or on the floor.
  • Keep your neck and spine neutral as you lift your chest and legs off the ground.
  • After holding the top position for a few seconds, lower yourself when lanugo to the starting position.

Reverse Snow Angels

Reverse snow angels are a unconfined way to work your upper when and shoulders.

The Process:

  • Face lanugo on a mat or on the floor with your stovepipe extended straight out to the sides.
  • Try squeezing your shoulder blades together as you lift your arms.
  • Keep your neck and spine neutral throughout the movement.
  • Keeping your stovepipe straight and in line with your shoulders, lift them towards your head.
  • After a few seconds, slowly lower your stovepipe when lanugo to the starting position.

Full Soul Stilt (Floor Pullover)

The full soul drag, moreover known as the floor pullover, is a challenging exercise that targets your upper when and shoulders.

The Process:

  • Put your hands straight whilom your throne and your legs straight out in front of you and lie squatter up on a mat or on the floor.
  • Your when should be unappetizing versus the ground and your cadre engaged.
  • Keep your stovepipe and legs straight while lifting them simultaneously off the ground.
  • You should pass your hands over your throne and between your legs as you bring your stovepipe and legs closer to each other.
  • Throughout the movement, alimony your when unappetizing versus the ground and engage your core.
  • After a unenduring pause, slowly lower your stovepipe and legs when to the starting position.

Rowing Machine

While not technically a bodyweight exercise, the rowing machine is a unconfined way to work your when muscles without any widow weight.

The Process:

  • Sit on the machine with your feet secured and your hands on the handles.
  • Sit on the rowing machine seat with your feet securely strapped in and your hands gripping the handles.
  • Engage your cadre and alimony your when straight.
  • To proffer your legs, straighten your stovepipe and push off with them.
  • With your elbows tropical to your body, pull the handles towards your chest once your legs are fully extended.
  • After pulling, squeeze your shoulder blades together to fully engage your when muscles.
  • Reverse the movement by extending your stovepipe and leaning forward, then limp your legs to return to the starting position.

Back Lever

  • To perform a when lever, you start by hanging from the bar or rings with a pronated grip (palms facing yonder from you) and your stovepipe fully extended.
  • Then, you engage your core, glutes, and when muscles to raise your legs and torso until they are parallel to the ground.
  • Your stovepipe should still be fully extended, and your soul should be straight from throne to toe.

Pro Zone: Difficult Bodyweight Workouts For The Back

Difficult Bodyweight Workouts For The Back

Inverted Row With Elevated Feet

  • From below, grip a bar or TRX handle and hoist both feet on a seat or chair, palms facing down.
  • Lower your chest when lanugo without pulling it toward your hands.
  • Try for 2–3 sets of 12–15 reps.


  • Grip the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing your body.
  • Don’t move your lower soul virtually too much — try to use as much cadre and upper-body strength as possible.
  • Pull your soul until your chin is whilom the bar, mostly using your when muscles.
  • Slowly lower yourself down.

Eccentric-Focus Pull-Up

  • Do a regular pull-up.
  • Lower yourself lanugo slowly, with a 3-to-5-second count, surpassing doing flipside rep.

Eccentric-Focus Chin-Up

  • Do a regular chin-up.
  • Lower lanugo with a 3-second count surpassing doing flipside rep.


  • Build momentum by starting in a pull-up position and swinging your legs forward.
  • When your legs are swinging back, pull up explosively while tucking your knees into your chest to help you swing virtually the bar.
  • To push yourself until you reach the top of the exercise, perform a dip with your stovepipe locked out and your knees hanging just unelevated the bar.
  • Take a deep vapor and lower yourself again.

The Complete List Of Types Of Bodyweight Exercises For Back

Bodyweight Exercises For Back

Upper-Back Bodyweight Exercises

  • Swan Pullup
  • Tornado Pullup
  • Back Lever Pull
  • One-Arm Pullup
  • Rope Climbing
  • Elbow Raise (Back widow)
  • One-Arm Bodyweight Row
  • Pullup
  • Close-Grip Pull Up
  • Skin the Cat
  • Archer Pull-Up (Typewriter)
  • Bodyweight Row (Horizontal Pull Up)
  • Ice Cream Maker

Lower-Back Bodyweight Exercises

  • Bridge Rotation
  • Bridge Push Up
  • One-Arm Bridge Pushup
  • Plank
  • Bird Dog
  • Superman
  • Reverse Superman
  • Back Extension
  • Single-Leg Deadlift
  • Back Lever Leg Raise

Bodyweight Lat Exercises

  • Chin-up
  • Cobra
  • Door Row
  • Full-Body Stilt (Floor Pullover)
  • Reverse Snow Angel
  • Ab Wheel Rollout
  • Wide-Grip Pullup
  • Negative Pull Up

Bodyweight When Exercises With No Equipment

  • Bridge Rotation
  • Bridge Push Up
  • Single-Leg Deadlift
  • Bak Widow
  • Back Extension
  • Plank
  • Superman
  • Reverse Superman
  • Full-Body Drag
  • Bird Dog
  • Reverse Snow Angel

Muscle Groups Worked During Bodyweight When Exercises

When you work on your when muscles with bodyweight exercises, you’re targeting both your extrinsic and intrinsic when muscles.

Extrinsic When Muscles

  • latissimus dorsi
  • levator scapulae
  • rhomboids (major and minor)
  • serratus posterior (superior and inferior)
  • trapezius

Intrinsic When Muscles

  • Erector Spinae:
  • Multifidus:
  • Transversospinalis:


Now you know well-nigh some of the most constructive bodyweight exercises for towers a healthy back. Also, you know the right way to do these exercises.

For increasingly questions, you can hit the scuttlebutt section

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