PE With Joe | Monday 20th April
Quick Fitness2021-09-29

30 seconds work | 30 seconds 2 sets of 10 minutes with a 2 minute rest in the middle Today's Trivia _____________ Which city in the world has the Eiffel Tower? Paris The Nou camp is a football stadium. Which football team does the stadium belong to? Barcelona The highest mountain in the world is in the Himalayas. What is it called? Mt Everest What is the name of the longest river in the world and where is it? River Nile, Africa. What city is also known as the Big Apple? New York I was born in a small town in Surrey, what is the name of the town? Epsom What country is Justin Bieber from? Canada One of the 7 wonders of the world are the great pyramids. Where can you find them? Egypt What is the name of the worlds highest waterfall and where is it? Angel falls, Venezuela. The gladiators used to battle in the coliseum. Which European city is home of the Coliseum? Rome The tallest building in the world is the Burj khalifa at 829 metres tall. Where would you find it? What is the largest country in the world by size? Russia Which country in the world has the largest population? China 1.4 billion What language is spoken in Brazil? Portuguese Disneyland is in Paris, where is Disney World? Orlando Florida


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