Best Training Exercises for Snowboarding Season
Sports Medicine2023-01-13

Snowboarder Workout: 5 Key Exercises for Snowboarding Strength

Cruising lanugo the mountain on your workbench is not only breathtakingly trappy but moreover good for your health. Strength and workout workouts are key to rhadamanthine a talented snowboarder. Here are some of the weightier exercises for snowboarding training, tried and tested by boarders worldwide.

1. Jumping Squats

Regular squats are strengthening and can prevent toddle injuries. They moreover work a group of muscles you regularly depend on. Jumping squats take things to the next level.

  1. Stand with your feet at shoulder width and your weight when on your heels
  2. Keep a tight cadre and work with your lower when as you proffer your knees forward over your toes, reaching the squat position
  3. Now momentum with explosive power from your hips and proffer them in midair
  4. Land with feet at shoulder width and use the momentum to push yourself into the squat position

Three sets of ten to fifteen repetitions a couple of times per week will add a lot to your routine.

2. Lateral Ski Jumps

Moving on to a new set of muscles, a couple of sets of lateral ski jumps will push your glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and knees slightly bent, imitating a skier’s position without going deep into a squat

  • Put your weight on one foot
  • Jump from the weight-bearing side to the other side
  • Land softly, titillating your momentum with the wilting knee and hip
  • Swing your stovepipe sideways like a speed skater as you do each repetition

Sets of virtually 15-20 are good, but you will want to work up to those numbers by feeling out your current strength and stamina if you have not been working out for a while.

3. Single Deadlift to High Knee

This exercise builds strength in most of the muscle groups once discussed, so assess your fatigue level from the last two surpassing going straight into this exercise.

  1. Keep your weight-bearing leg straight and proffer the other one backward, overdue your body, to make a T-shape of yourself
  2. As you move into position, hold your cadre and glute tight, squeezing them for stability and strength
  3. Pass the elevated leg through your start position and swing your torso when to vertical as you move it into a standing upward lunge
  4. Repeat, holding your cadre and glutes tight, and work your leg to stretch it slightly on each wrong-side-up extension

This exercise is washed-up in sets of five to ten, starting with one set and working up to three or four as your repletion and needs dictate.

4. Hip Clock Exercises

This movement exercise is moreover unconfined for skateboarders considering it helps with nonflexible surface tenancy and your worthiness to stabilize in powder. It moreover provides stretching motions that alimony those muscles limber.

  1. Balance your weight on your left leg and alimony your knee wilting just a little
  2. Make sure your when stays straight as you part-way your weight over that left knee
  3. Lift and proffer your right leg, moving it to the twelve o’clock position relative to your part-way of gravity
  4. Bring it when in and repeat for three, six, and nine o’clock
  5. Balance on the right knee and repeat the exercise for the left

If you combine this with other glute and hamstring exercises like the lateral ski jumps, you might want to do a single round on each leg as a warmup surpassing the increasingly intense exercise. On their own, it’s a good idea to build up to at least five repetitions on each leg per workout.

5. The Superman

This exercise is a unconfined add-on to reinforce other rectal exercises like crunches. It moreover complements planks and other worldwide calisthenics, which are moreover unconfined choices for a snowboarding routine.

  1. Lie squatter lanugo on the ground with your legs well-nigh shoulder-width untied and stovepipe wilting at the elbow, so they come out from your sides with your fingers pointed forward
  2. Keep your neck neutral and soul relaxed as you get into position, and stay relaxed until you start
  3. Simultaneously lift your legs at the hips and your stovepipe at the shoulders while limp yonder from the ground with your abs and core, extending everything out and up
  4. Keep that cadre tight and squeeze your glutes as you hold the position
  5. Release to a relaxed position and rest until the next repetition

That wraps up the list of essential add-ons for snowboarders putting together a workout routine, but remember, these are whimsically the only exercises that build up your snowboarding muscles.

The Secret Overdue Workout Workouts for Snowboarders

So what’s the secret? How can you maximize the effectiveness of your exercises?

  • Build a daily routine, but rotate the focal muscle groups each day, so you rest the ones that you did yesterday
  • Set yourself up for 3-4 sessions that focus on each muscle group per week
  • A rest day with no workout is not the worst idea
  • Keep it balanced, but add in worldwide exercises that reinforce these, like planks or spare squat variations

A well-turned training routine that strengthens the whole soul makes you a largest athlete and can help mitigate injuries and speed up injury recovery. To ensure you are set up with experienced training advice, consult a physical therapist who can provide any information needed to get the biomechanics on each exercise.

Schedule an appointment with a Foothills physical therapist today to lock lanugo a fitness regimen that works weightier for you.

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